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Reiki Courses

Image by Magic Bowls

Level 1

Price: AED 2000

I aim to empower my clients to heal themselves and their loved ones by offering level 1 courses.

The full course comprises of four days totaling sixteen hours of study, story telling, meditation and healing. Timings and numbers of days can be customized according to the client, for example we can run 2 full days instead of 4 half days. I will run the course for 2 or 4 or 6 clients.


Day 1:  Introduction to Reiki, The Chakras, Meditation, First Attunement

Day 2:  History of Reiki, Degrees of Reiki, Using Reiki, Second Attunement

Day 3:  Healing, Self Healing, Third Attunement, 

Day 4:  Healing Others, Fourth Attunement

Level 2

Price: AED 2000

A practicing Level 1 practitioner is entitled for Reiki Level 2. This level is much shorter then level 1, it involves learning the Divine Symbols of Reiki to magnify and empower the healing treatment as well as distant healing. This accomplishment entitles you to perform healing on others for a charge.


This course is one day long.

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